Compression Therapy
Wearing graduated, prescription-strength compression hose, also known as compression stockings or compression therapy, is a conservative treatment strategy for people who suffer from varicose vein swelling and pain, but may be too weak or sick to undergo other treatments.
In fact, this therapy may also be the first approach for patients whose insurance companies require it prior to authorizing more treatments.
What’s Involved?
Your DVVI vein specialist may prescribe compression stockings to help to alleviate swelling and pain caused by varicose veins. These stockings are made of much stronger elastics than typical hosiery to create significant pressure on your legs. Compression stockings can be worn indefinitely when the leg is not elevated.
What Are The Results?
Compression stockings can help to alleviate swelling and pain caused by varicose veins, but they don’t correct the underlying condition. Using supportive stockings is intended to control your symptoms, rather than cure the disease. However, they do reduce venous pressure to relieve aching legs, leg fatigue, sensations of “heaviness” or “tiredness,” and leg or ankle swelling.